ConsultAbility will meet virtually or in person to assess your theater’s accessibility needs. Your company will then be provided with recommendations to create a more accessible and inclusive environment for your artists, employees, and staff. Initial virtual meetings and estimates are free of charge.
ConsultAbility will provide all services included in the Consultation package and provide the company with a fully formed plan and strategic way forward, specific to the company’s needs. This includes one-on-one or group meetings and workshops with specified critical members of the company.
Consultability will provide all services in the Consultation and Preparation packages and work with the company to see all plans through execution. This includes working with local and national disability networks and vendors to ensure all steps of the preparation plan are met.
What it looks like in action
Training and Workshops:
Inclusion can be taught. We will work with your team to address internalized, systemic ableism and how it affects disabled theatre practitioners today. Often times accessibility is a mindset, we hope to teach your team why accessibility is a necessity that benefits everyone, not just another checkmark for code requirements.
A thorough assessment of theater spaces
We will come to your theatre and address where physical access is a barrier to inclusive practices in all of your theatre spaces, including where performers, designers, technicians, staff, and patrons may be present. We will then give you a plan on how you can make your space accessible in the short term with small adjustments, and long term through full renovations.
A full breakdown of audience services
Ensuring that patrons have a fully accessible theater experience is important. We will give you a full accommodation guide and train you on best practices for front of house accessibility.
All plans will be developed specifically for each individual company and its needs.
A free quote will be provided after initial discussions of the scope of the work.